Need Help?
For assistance please call your Dream Home Captain.
If a customer needs assistance email or call the raffle manager – or 780 513 8887 (i.e. if an address or phone has to be adjusted and it’s not urgent)
Please check the white binder for Frequently Asked Questions.
Urgent or emergency phone number: Raffle Manager is Melissa at 780 832 4532. If it means a happy customer, don’t hesitate to call.
Need Help?
For assistance please call your Dream Home Captain.
If a customer needs assistance email or call the raffle manager – or 780 513 8887 (i.e. if an address or phone has to be adjusted and it’s not urgent)
Please check the white binder for Frequently Asked Questions.
Urgent or emergency phone number: Raffle Manager is Melissa at 780 832 4532. If it means a happy customer, don’t hesitate to call.